Development of the project is to a large extent influenced by the participating partners. They have long-term experience with education and employment of blind and partially sighted people that can be used for implementation of this project.
Spektra, cooperative of the blind, permanently employs more than 50 % of handicapped workers. It has wide experience with employing handicapped people. Benefit for the cooperative will be especially in positive secondary impacts from development of the tools within the project.
TyfloCentres have great experience with direct work with blind and partially sighted people.
General scope of TyfloCentres:
Work of the regional organizations includes:
TyfloCentres have experience especially in education and free-time activities of the clients. They know their specific needs and desires for education and involvement in the labour market. They are with no doubts of a great benefit for implementation of the Tyfloemployability project.
Department of special pedagogy at College of Education of the Charles University contributes in the field of analysis. It has a great potential in professional development of methodologies. Expectations of the department are especially in broadening its experience and horizons. With such a wide spectrum of partners involved in the project, the confrontation of their experiences will be of a great benefit.
Dedina Centre started in 1994. Its main focus is to work with blind and partially sighted people. Centre helps this target group in the first place with social rehabilitation, which is a process, where they try to teach the blind and partially sighted people skills necessary for common life (such as walking, orientation in places, personal hygiene, reading and writing of Braille). As one of the few in the Czech Republic, the Centre is engaged in re-qualification of visually impaired in order to integrate them into the labour market. In the re-qualification courses, the clients learn skills and habits that will prepare them for employment. The courses include help of psychologist, who gives advice on the suitable type the of re-qualification course. Based on accreditation of the Ministry of Education (MMT) the Centre offers the following re-qualification courses:
Upon finishing the re-qualification course, the Centre helps with placement of the clients through cooperation with Labour offices in the client´s place of residence. In case a suitable employer is found, the Centre provides information about client´s results in the re-qualification process, about his/her experience and skills. The employer must be informed not only about what the client cannot do, but also about what he/she is able to do and for what jobs is prepared. According to Dedina Centre, the most effective method, how to appeal to the employers, is to make public the positive examples of successful placements of the blind and partially sighted people. This ensures positive motivation of the employers and effective elimination of barriers.
Techniques and long-term experience with qualification enhancement process, re-qualification courses and help with job search will be of a great benefit for the project implementation.
SE & Partners Consulting, s. r. o. is Czech engineering and consultancy company focusing on environmental protection, management, spatial planning and development of human resources.
This company developed software NETGenium, which is a universal development tool designed for development of intranet-based information system and also a final information system as such.
Labour office in Kladno has experience with employment of blind and partially sighted people. Since 1998 there have been 6 blind people re-qualified and employed through the Labour office in Kladno. However, its knowledge and experience potential lies in a wide portfolio of employers and knowledge of their needs and demands. Access to database of employers allows to disseminate information directly to potential employers. Labour office has great experience and knowledge of labour-law issues, which will be used for processing of planned studies, and in compliance with the Employment law provides work rehabilitation, which is in scope of one of the activities of the project. Main expectation of this institution is to gain better knowledge and understanding of the problems and needs of this target group.
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